10-10-19 Lower body recovery workout

Warm up
4 rounds tabata 20/10 of:

  • sit ups
  • lunge hold right
  • lung hold left

then 100 banded walks

Main Work

complete 3 rounds of:

  • 150 ft sled drag
  • 3-4 stone to platform
    *if you don't have access atlas stones, substitute with 8-10 Pick ups to Extension (45lb) plate or lower weight if needed. After pick up, in a fluid motion, lift to chest getting "extension". I'll post a video of this in the morning.

complete 4 rounds of:

  • 12-15 reverse hyper or back ext
  • 20 banded hamstring curls
  • 6-8 wide stance goodmornings

complete 4 rounds tabata of:

  • banded fire hydrants right
  • banded fire hydrants left
  • weighted kneeling squats

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