11-18-20 WEEK 3 of 3 week cycle. WEDNESDAY light recovery

Warm up
- Yoga flow- forward fold- plank- updog- down dog- lunge with twist - swan pose. Make sure to do both sides
Complete the following
- 4x12-15 db or barbell shrugs
- 4x 20-30 secs bench lockout holds - bamboo or earthquake bar
Take some time to find a weight that is challenging and yet doable. If you don't have access to a bamboo or earthquake bar, substitute with bottoms up kb holds on an incline bench (message us if you need video demonstration) - 4x15 reverse hyper @ 50% of 1 rep squat
- 4x40 secs rowing or jump rope- keep rest at 15-20 secs between rounds
4 rounds of:
- 1 heavy sled trip
- 40 ab of choice
- 20 db tricep roll back - light/moderate
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