11-3-20 WEEK 1 of 3 week cycle. Upper body d/e

11-3-20 WEEK 1 of 3 week cycle. Upper body d/e

Warm up
Take some time to do stability work prior to benching. After pre warm up with bands:

  • bamboo overhead holds 1x40 secs
    if you don't have a bamboo bar, sub with bottoms up kb holds
  • banded row to rotation to press 1x12-15 each side HERE
    make these slow and controlled

Main work

  • Bench 6x3x80% wide grip
  • Bench 5x5x65% close grip

 Auxiliary work

  • lat pull downs 6x10
  • superset the following:
    • 3x10 db shoulder press
    • 3x10 db lateral side raises
  • banded pull aparts w/palms up 1x100
  • seated banded chest supported rows 1x100
  • banded tricep pull downs 1x100
    note- if these are becoming "easy" try doing them single arm


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