2-24-21 Wednesday Recovery and Restoration

Happy Wednesday! Leave the weights on the rack, focus on your movement and flow.
Warm Up:
This is an excellent video explaining the movements and the pitfalls. It is worth watching in it's entirety. Sun salutation is an excellent full body warm up and can be used daily. Create a flow with the 5 to start today's workout.
WORKOUT: 2 Rounds, rest as needed but try to keep moving
- 10 push ups
- 10 body weight squats
- 5 burpees
- 10 calf raises
- 20 Russian twist
- 1:00 plank
- 10 butt kickers
- 30 sec wall sit
- 12 back extension
- 15 heel tap (ab crunch)
- 10 lateral lunge right
- 10 lateral lunge left
- 30 sec active beast
BANDS: 3 Rounds
- 20 face pulls
- 20 lateral raises
- 20 Y raises. (No band. Start watching at 0:25, incline bench or self supported. Focus on the lower traps)
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