2-10-20 Max Effort Lower Body

Warm up
5 rounds tabata 20/10 of:

  • db front squats
  • lat box jumps
  • sit ups

then, 2 rounds of mobility:

  • scorpion pose
  • hip opener of choice

Main Work

  • Work up to a front squat + red bands
    make sure to record your weight because we are going to do this again in two weeks
    *Option- if you don't have bands; work up to a moderate-heavy front squat. Leave some in the tank to go up in 2 weeks.

Auxiliary work

  • SSB 4x6x60%
    *option- if you don't have a SSB use a regular bar
  • weighted lunges w/front foot elevated 4x5 *each side
  • Stone to shoulder 4x4-6 reps
    *option- if you don't have stones or not comfortable with stones; sub with plate ground to overhead 4x10


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