2-25-21 THURSDAY Volume lower body

Main work
- SSB, Cambered bar or other specialty bar squats 10x1x80%
Make sure to stay with the same bar you started with 3 weeks ago. Next week we will switch bars. If you don't have a specialty bar, use a regular bar today. - Deadlifts 8x1x70% +30% chain or band tension
Auxiliary work
- Seated sumo deadlift complex 3x3
Seated complex 1 rep = 3 pulls to knees + 1 full pull to standing
Watch video demonstration HERE
- Take a few warm up sets to find working weight then 3x3
- on the pull to knees, arch back really big and focus on this being the work for this portion
- push knees out and avoid the tendency to allow them to come in. Reduce weight if needed to keep form
- when ready to stand, push hips forward to the bar and knees out- the work should be felt in the hips and glutes
- 1x100 banded abductors
- 1x100 banded hamstring curls
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