4-7-21 Wednesday Conditioning & Recovery

4-7-21 Wednesday  Conditioning & Recovery

Warm Up as you see fit

Round 1: 4 Rounds

Round 2: 4 Rounds. These should be a light to moderate weight so that you move through with little rest and get blood flow.

  • 25 Wall Ball
  • Wall Sit - 30 seconds
  • 25 Ball Slams
  • 25 Good morning with ball

Round 3: 4 Rounds

  • 20 each side - Touchdown Squat - adjust height to suit your needs
  • 25 each side Bulgarian split squat (body weight)
  • Offset Walk with KB: Keep it light! 5-10lb KB - watch the video, understand the movement and purpose! 10 steps then switch sides.  Start the video at 1:58.

Round 4: TABATA 8 Rounds 20:10

  • Jump rope! 

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