9-1-20 Max Effort upper body

Warm up with 2-3 rounds of:
- 20 band spread aparts using light tension mini bands at wrist
- 20 banded tricep pull downs
- 20 banded straight arm pull downs- target lats
- 20 banded bicep curls
- 20 banded shoulder side raises - if you don't have a light enough band, use 3-5lbs db just for warm up
Main work
- Work up to a 1 rep max 1 board press
The goal for max effort days is to hit 3 singles at 90% or more with the goal of no failures. - close grip bench 3x6x75%
If you are new and don't have a 1 rep max to base percentages on yet, use a moderate weight.
Auxiliary work
- DB shoulder press neutral grip 5x12
- banded tricep pull downs 1x100
super set the following:
- Single arm bent over row 3x12 each side
take a few warm up sets to find your working weight - Lat pull downs 3x12
if you don't have access to a lat pull down machine sub with banded lat pull downs. You can attach bands at the top of a pull up bar or rand.
super set the following:
- DB skull crushers 5x12
- DB lateral side raises 5x12 lift/moderate
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