9-2-21 THURSDAY lower body

For beginners or those with limited equipment
*note- first number is the sets or rounds - next number is the reps
- Sumo stance DB or KB deadlift 4x10
- Banded standing abduction 4x20 each side
- Med ball goodmornings 4x15-20
- "superman" with glute flex on bench 4x10
- Tabata 6 rounds of 20 secs work/10 secs rest:
- leg lowers
- toe taps
For those with more equipment
- Start to get warm up in the quads and explosiveness
5x5 box jumps moderate height. These can be step ups or jump to a very low plate - Box Squat 6x4x50% + 25% bands or chains
- Speed deadlift pulls (competition stance) from pins at mid shin 6x4x45% + bands
- Banded hamstring curls 3x60
- Reverse hyper 3x15-20 moderate weight
- Abs 1x100
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