9-25-19 Max Effort Lower body & CHALLENGE WORKOUT #11

9-25-19 Max Effort Lower body & CHALLENGE WORKOUT #11

Warm up
3 rounds of:

  • 20 forward banded walks - 20 backward banded walks
  • 30 banded abductors
  • 2 down dog- up dog -to lunge sequence

then, 3 rounds tabata 20/10 of:

  • air squats
  • high runners lunge hold (right)
  • high runners lunge hold (left)

Main work

Option 1)

  • Work up to a 1 rep max Safety Squat Bar squat

Option 2) for those that don't have access to a SSB

  • Work up to a 1 rep max squat using a manta ray attachment. If you don't have access to a manta ray, substitute this movement today with a front squat

Option 3) for those without access to a rack/barbell or beginners

  • 4x6 lunges


complete as many rounds as possible in 5 mins of:

  • 12 deadlifts @ 40% of 1rm
  • 8 burpees

rest 2 mins then, complete as many rounds as possible in 5 mins of:

  • 12 barbell back rack alternating reverse lunges (75lbs or lower)
  • 8 box jumps

rest 2 mins, then, complete as many rounds as possible in 5mins of:

  • 12 air squats
  • 8 jumping lunges

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