9-6-19 "Challenge Workout #3" plus upper body volume

If you are following only the September "Challenge Accepted" workouts, skip the "Main Work" and "Auxiliary" work and move to the "CHALLENGE WORKOUT"
Awesome Work everyone at encouraging one another.. Keep it up! Each day find one Sister of Iron to motivate.
Video demonstrations will be posted on our instagram @garagegymbarbell_training
Log your time for "funsies"
Warm up
3 rounds of:
- 8-10 small plate side raises "top to bottom" (raise plate sweeping from side of leg to overhead)
- 8-10 plate front raises
- 15-20 banded reverse fly
then, 3 rounds of:
- 4 walk out to high plank + push up+ walk back to standing
- 15 plate ground to overhead
- 40 butt kickers
then, warm up to your DB weight being used in the challenge workout:
- 3x6 DB clean & press each side. Start at a lighter weight and then find the weight you will use in your workout.
Main Work
- Bench 6x6x60% +5lbs
Auxiliary Work
3 rounds of:
- 15-20 bent over banded tricep extensions
- 15 hammer curls
- 12-15 db skull crushers
complete 4 rounds for time of:
- 200 meter run
- 8 "alternating" DB single arm clean & press *weight is based on bodyweight, see below (total of 4 each arm)
- 1 min plank hold
Training Notes:
Bench Press: the percentage is a starting point. If you're unable to complete the sets/reps at that percentage lower the weight. We are also adding 5lbs from last week's work (keep track of your weights used). If you're unable to add 5lbs.. you may have "went too quick out the gate" and your starting weight may have been a little too heavy to add from last week. Stay where you're at and try again next week.
Challenge Workout #3:
200 meter run: Substitutions can be rowing,100 double unders/jump rope, or 100 toe taps. *If you are a beginner, reduce these numbers to 100m running or rowing, 50 jump rope, or 50-75 toe taps. Find the right target level so that you can be successful and finish this workout.. Finishing is the Goal!
Alternating DB single arm clean & press: Each rep must start below the hips and finish locked out overhead. You can tap db to the floor if you like but not necessary.
DB weights based on bodyweight: 25lb under 140lbs, 35lb under 180lbs, 45lbs over 180lbs. Scale this by using a lower DB weight you're comfortable with.
1 min plank: this is an accumulative total of 1min. Keep a timer in front of you and if you drop, stop the timer until your ready to plank again. This movement can be scaled to a "high" plank with arms extended and/or knee supported. Scale this by reducing the time to 40secs each round.
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