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Garage Gym Barbell Thursday 11-3 Dynamic Lower Body

1) 6 rounds of 20 secs work/10 secs work:
- jumping jacks
- sit ups *scale up to weighted if desired
2)Then choose any movement you prefer to warm up lower body: reverse hyper, sled pull, monster walks, air squats
*This workout has an alternative for Beginners- see below
For Intermediates:
1) 3-5 Rounds of:
- 3 sec isometric deadlift hold against pins *use 50% of bar weight
- 10 box jumps
*Note- set pins to below the knees and pull for 3-5 secs, immediately go to box jumps.
For Beginners:
1) 3-4 Rounds of:
- 6-8 Reverse Hyper *
- 10 Box Jumps
*Some of you wont have access to a reverse hyper (sad face), substitute with a back raise at higher reps if needed
2) Then 3 Rounds of:
- 8-10 Front squats
- 16 Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats (8 each leg)
- 20 Lunging Wall Ball
3) Abs 6-8 rounds of 20secs work/10 secs rest
- Russian Twist
- Beast Crawl
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